Tuesday, November 13, 2012

My chemo 'do

Further preparations for the impending hair loss underway.  Today, I went for my chemo haircut.  You'll understand what I mean in a jiff.

Here's a picture of me from yesterday:


And here is a picture of me from today:

What's the difference?  My oh-so-chic scarf, you say?  Well, yes, but more to the point at hand...less hair to clean from the shower drain in a few weeks.  Henceforth, this coif shall be known as my chemo 'do.  I am nothing if not practical. 
For those of you particularly perceptive folks...did you notice the small horizontal scar on my upper left chest in the before picture?  This is the incision point for the port an interventional radiologist (didn't even know there was such a person before now) inserted to facilitate the chemo infusion.  There's a little titanium snap just under the surface of my skin that leads to tubing that arches into my subclavian vein (did I get that right, you doctors and nurses out there?). 
When I get chemotherapy, the nurse hooks a matching little snap doodad into the snap under my skin -- there's only a slight prick, like getting an inoculation -- and that exterior snap is connected to the tubing leading to the bags of medicine and saline that drip into me.  TMI?  Sorry...no...no I am not.



  1. Love the cute cut!

    Marian (just in case you didn't realize murn is me!)

  2. that is so cute!

  3. Love the chemo cut--if the hair goes soon, at least you have the wig to fall back on. Much easier than styling your new do! I don't mind the gory details, much better than leaving it to the imagination. Glad the "snap" isn't too painful.

    Love ya, Patty

  4. No matter the reason for the haircut, it's a great style for you!

    Jennifer W.

  5. I really like this style, you look great.


  6. You really look so beautiful Beth, I love this style! Your hair may grow back a different colour eventually, it sometimes happens! Take care, love Angela

  7. When my hair started falling out in great handfuls from my gastric bypass I went to see Toni my hair goddess and practically shaved my head. Loosing short hair in the shower-- not as bad.

    Like the cut!

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