Wednesday, November 28, 2012

So far, so good

Lots of napping today, but I did manage to get the boys' birthday party planned. No other uncomfortable side effects yet, and my head has stopped itching!

I forgot to mention this yesterday, but when I talked to my oncologist, he confirmed that I will have a scan scheduled after the third chemo next month to check on the effectiveness of the treatments so far. He also told me his sister was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. For a few poignant moments, we forgot the doctor-patient relationship and simply related as human beings. A real gift.


  1. Beth, you don't know me but I feel like I know you as Marian as told me about you and the journey you are on. I love your blog and am glad that I can follow along with you. My daughter has a dear friend who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and while not exactly what you're going through, some of it is very similar. She had her head shaved yesterday. Keep up the good fight!!!!

    1. Hi Debi, I recognize your name from Marian's FB. Thanks for reaching out and give my best to your daughter's friend.


  2. Beth,

    Who is your oncologist? You know Jennifer's husband Charlie is now in practice too?


  3. Dr. Joseph Boveri is my gynecological oncologist. Yes, I knew Charlie was now in practice. Thanks for thinking of me.

