Saturday, December 8, 2012

The body worker

I had the most amazing massage this week. A friend and former teacher of the boys gifted me her husband's services as a masseuse, and since I was still having trouble with my back, I decided to take her up on the offer.

This was no regular spa massage. Jeremy is specially trained in anatomy and physiology and really understands the science behind therapeutic massage, and among other specialities, he offers massage for people living with cancer.  I love that phrase 'people living with cancer' even better than 'cancer survivor', because truly, that's what I'm learning to do, live with cancer, not just survive it.

Jeremy understands the rigors people living with cancer go through. Before beginning the massage, he thoroughly questioned me about my treatments so he knew what areas to a avoid -- like around my port site -- and what areas to give special attention. The hour I spent on his table was one of the best hours I've had since being diagnosed last April.

Jeremy has even planned to come to my next chemo session to do some hand, leg, and foot massage while I'm receiving my treatment. Amazing!  While my friend Debbie was here, she told me that  massage is offered de rigueur to all cancer patients in Great Britain as an adjunct therapy to their chemotherapy. We hear a lot here in the US about what's wrong with the National Health Service in Britain, but this is one thing they've definitely gotten right.

If you'd like to have the massage of your life, you can contact Jeremy at his website.

In addition to having my back discomfort reduced, I'm doing well. So far, no calls from the oncologist about my blood work, but they generally only call if there's a problem. I'll confirm for sure on Monday, when I have an appointment.


  1. That sounds wonderful Beth! Great that you can get massage to help you to feel more comfortable during your treatments. I hear that the British health service does a lot for diagnosed cancer patients. Unfortunately it can be very negligent in other areas, notably for people with neurological disease etc, I know that they do nothing without constant heckling! The elderly are often quite neglected too.
    Happy Sunday, have a great day!
    Love Angela

  2. This sounds wonderful, hope you will receive these massages regularly. Lucky you have a friend with that kind of training in your circle of friends.
    After 11 years in the uk and undergoing surgery there, I have never, ever, once had to complain about the way I was treated. Hats off to the NHS.
    Have a lovely week

