Thursday, December 13, 2012

What is enough?

I'm feeling very unsettled today. The paranoia has set in.

Every time I swallow, I'm expecting to feel a scratchy throat. I've been feeling hot then cold then hot again, so I've taken my temperature no less than a dozen times today. Luckily, I have none. I'm supposed to call my oncologist if I have a fever above 100.4. It's cold and flu season, so every person I encounter outside my home is a potential Typhoid Mary.

I've had such an amazingly easy time with the chemo that I'm getting to the point that I'm questioning if it's working for me. I'm impatient for Tuesday to arrive when I'm having my third session. 

I know. I'm crazy, but I'm kinda in a crazy situation. I guess it's time for the 'give me peace' part of my prayer.

The other day I came across the Serenity Prayer, the cornerstone of the twelve-step programs, but I think it is applicable in my current situation:

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference. 

I can't change the fact that I've got cancer. I can't direct the chemo drugs to work. But, I can do things to keep my mind and body healthy. I can strive to keep a positive attitude. I can reach out to others when I need help. I can make sure I take my vitamins, eat right, and get plenty of rest.

Sometimes, reminding myself of those simple facts just has to be enough.


  1. Beth, Allow me to share my favorite Bible passage:

    Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
    Philippians 4:6-7

    Praying that He will grant that peace beyond understanding... in my opinion, one of the best gifts He gives. Love you.

  2. Dear Beth,

    Your strengh and courage is truly inspiring and I do think like you that the serenity prayer is really in line with the situation. Doubts will kreep in at times like these but do know that my grandma suffered fom breast cancer when she was 60, went through chemo with hardly any side effects (not even the predicted hair loss) and was cured. She too was wondering if it had any effect on her... But it did.


  3. Dear Beth,

    You know you have many people across the globe thinking of you and praying for your continued courage and strength to do battle. It is so good that you are managing to stay mainly positive and hardly surprising that you have moments of worrying.
    Know that we are all praying for your serenity and peace too dear Beth.
    Have a happy weekend with your family and steer clear of those bugs, use the mask!
