Thursday, January 2, 2014

No PET scan today

A standard preparation for having a PET scan is checking your blood glucose level.  It needs to be within normal limits (70-100) in order for the glucose contrast solution to work properly.

Today, my level was an inexplicable 256.  So, no PET scan today for me.  I've never had a level remotely that high, and there's no history of diabetes in my family.

I've got an appointment with my primary care physician tomorrow to start trying to figure out what's going on.  But, until my blood glucose levels are normal again, no PET scan for me.

The great irony is, a possible cause of the high level is one of the anti-estrogen medications I'm taking.  So, a drug I'm taking to keep my cancer at bay could be preventing me from getting the definitive diagnostic test to determine if my cancer is, indeed, at bay.

Or, it could be something else entirely different.


1 comment:

  1. Oh Beth how frustrating. Fingers firmly crossed that you can find out why your levels are so unexpectedly high. Thinking of you with concern and love xxxx
