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Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Chemo number last

I’m currently sitting in my recliner at the infusion center at Northside Hospital, having my sixth (and, hopefully, final) chemotherapy treatment.  I’m feeling a little woozy, so you’ll have to excuse any incoherent expressions.

I’ve had all my pre-meds to prepare me for the chemo drugs I receive, taxol and carbo.  There’s two anti-nausea medications, a steroid, an antihistamine, and lots of saline...which means lots of trips to the restroom.  I’m currently receiving the taxol, which takes three hours to infuse.  After that, I’ll get the carbo, which takes an hour to infuse.  It should all be finished up in time to drive back home in rush hour traffic.

I’ve got a corner spot in the infusion center, with windows on two sides...a prime location.  My infusion nurse, Brittany, is very sweet and attentive.  I thought I’d met all the infusion nurses before, but she’s a new one to me.  All the nurses here have been phenomenal, making this horrendous process a little more palatable.  I can’t recommend this place more to anyone fighting the good cancer fight.

In about three weeks, I’ll have another PET/CT to assess the chemotherapy effectiveness.

Of course, my thoughts still turn to the boys and wondering what they’re up to.  Allen’s classes started yesterday, and Boyce’s start tomorrow.  I’ve had fleeting texts with them, but no substantial communication.  I know they need their space, and I want to give it to them.  But, gees, I miss them.

I do have something new on which to focus my attention.  Paul and I decided to celebrate the end of my chemotherapy and getting the boys off to college by taking a short trip to the California wine country.  We won’t leave until late October because we’ve got parent weekends at both the boys’ schools in late September and early October.  I’ve had fun researching wineries and varietals.  I’m embarrassed to admit that, even though I’m very familiar with French wines after living there for three years, I know little about wines in my home country.  We plan to be educated.

Well, that about all I can get out for right now.  I think lunch and a nap is in order.


  1. Hello sweetheart! I'm going to try this commenting thing again from a computer and see if I'm successful. I'm SO HAPPY to see you at the final chemo! I hope it goes as well as the others have, and I can't wait to hear all about this trip to CA and the wine country! Please save Austin and the TX wine country to us girls ;)

    1. Never had TX wines, but would love to try! Good to hear from you, sweetie, and thanks for all the positive thoughts.

  2. Well done Beth. That's the lot for this cycle. You have managed everything and more. The boys will be in touch ... and perhaps once you've enjoyed CA you'll come back over the pond to rediscover Alsacian wine ... and make me the Margarita you always told me you enjoyed on Fridays but we never got together at the right time on Fridays here. You're not going to get away with this again ... or at least I won't let you! xxxx

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