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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Surprise, surprise, surprise

Through unofficial back channels, I found out yesterday that my gynecological oncology practice is shutting down. Not merging with another group. Closing its doors.

Tomorrow, I have my appointments to go over my recent PET scan, meet with a thoracic surgeon, and talk to my oncologist about what's next with my care. I guess there's another question to tack on...just where will I receive my future care?

Dealing with a cancer diagnosis is challenging enough. There are so many unknowns and ups and downs. It just doesn't seem fair to have to add another unknown to the mix.

Yes, I haven't been particularly thrilled with the running of this practice for some time, so perhaps this turn of events will all be for the best. But right now, it just feels like another hurdle to clear. At least I'm kinda on a treatment hiatus right now, or I'd really be freaking out.

Wish me well for tomorrow. Lots of questions to be answered.

1 comment:

  1. I'm certainly wishing you well for tomorrow dear Beth. I'll be thinking of you, sending prayers, good vibes, fingers and toes crossed for good results too. ;)

    What a pain that you have to find a new practise, but hopefully your practise will be able to refer you elsewhere. It must seem a big hurdle when you are in treatment. Hopefully it will turn out to be a good thing and you will find better as you were not that happy with it for some time.

    Take care, lots of love
