Yesterday, I gratefully celebrated my 54th birthday. I remember those scary times a little over 6 years ago when I wasn’t sure I’d make it to my 48th. But, miracles abounded, and I’m still here...and, plan to be for quite some time.
Thanksgiving approaches in a few days, followed by the hustle and bustle of the coming Christmas season, and I’m particularly thankful that I’ll be fully involved in all that the holidays bring. It’s going to be a busy one in the Moore household. One son is having his wisdom teeth removed tomorrow, hopefully regaining his ability to eat by Thanksgiving day. Then there are Eagle Scout projects, 18th birthdays to celebrate, college applications due at the first of the year, a follow up PET scan to check on my progress fighting this most recent occurrence of cancer, and the usual festivities associated with the season.
I’m feeling much myself these days, mostly recovered from my radiation treatments in September and October. I’m sleeping much better...none of those 3 a.m. angst-filled awakenings. It’s a lesson I’ve learned following this journey. There are challenging days, but if I keep the faith, they do pass, I find my new normal, and I march on. The further I get from my challenges, the less I think about my cancer, and the more appreciative I am that modern medicine is what it is and that I’ve got plenty of loving arms to help me through the rough times and rejoice with me through the good ones.
Thanks to all of YOU who have followed my story and send me well wishes. I love getting responses to my blog posts and find them most uplifting. Also, the cards, flowers, gifts of dinner on nights when cooking is too exhausting, and just plain old thoughts and prayers for me are a wonderful reminder that “No one fights alone,” the inscription in the teal bracelets that my friends and family wear in solidarity of my situation. Cancer certainly is not a path for sissies, and I gain great strength from the support of others.
I have a follow up appointment with my radiation oncologist the week after Thanksgiving, where she’ll probably order my next PET scan. Luckily, I have lots of activities and responsibilities to keep me busy while I wait for those sentinel events. I’ll keep everybody posted on my progress...and remain grateful that you’re all out there cheering me on.
This warms my heart...I am in awe of your positive determination and resilient spirit. Dear friend, I am so thankful for you. ❤️
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