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Saturday, April 27, 2019

A little retail therapy

Waiting is the worst.

I’m sure any of you who have faced the diagnosis and treatment of a disease know what I’m talking about.  Monday morning, when I have my oncology consultation will not come soon enough to get my chemotherapy plan made.  I’m ready.  Bring it on.

It’s so hard not to wish the hours away.  But, I as I learned the last time I went through this, each hour is precious.  So, I’m trying to live in the moment as much as I can.

There’s lots to do in the next month, aside from my illness.  One of my sons will have his Eagle Scout Court of Honor.  To celebrate this highest of Boy Scout achievements, there are invitations to design and mail.  A program and reception to plan.  A slide show to put together.  Food, drink, decorations, paper plates...the list goes on.  Luckily, there are three other boys celebrating with my son and three wonderful moms to share in the planning and execution.  My posse.

Then there’s a graduation dinner, graduation itself, a graduation party.  All events I’m grateful that demand my attention.  My boys only graduate from high school once, and I want their experience to be one they carry with them the rest of their lives...or at least until college starts in August.

In the background of all this planning and preparation, though, is the wonder of how I’ll be feeling while I go to these events.  And, maybe it is trivial in the grand scheme of things, but I wonder if I’ll still have hair and if I have the proper hats for my clothing ensembles.  Luckily, I love hats (and conversely hate wigs), and I still have the hats from my last round of chemotherapy.  So, even though I’ve been a little preoccupied with my hair — or potential lack there of — I’ve distracted myself with a little retail therapy.  I have found the *perfect* hat to go with my graduation outfit.  I might just order it if I haven’t lost my hair.  To be totally frivolous, I’ll share a link to it.  Very chic, don’t you think?

So, even though cancer is looming over my head (no pun intended), life does go on.  Perfect hat or not, I’m ready for this battle, and I can’t begin to tell you how uplifting it is to know that I’ve got an army of family and friends ready to back me up.  Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers and encouragement and wishes of good outcomes.

Hair or hat, I’m prepared for the fight that awaits me.


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  2. I believe it's a well-known saying ... "If you want to get ahead, get a hat" and that one will do you proud Beth! You might consider adding a scarf around it to colour coordinate with your outfit too ... very versatile with whatever you choose to wear on those 'posh' occasions! It will look lovely. Please do send photos of the graduation with it making it's first appearance!
