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Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Even under the best of circumstances, chemo sucks

Just a quick note to let everyone know my chemo went well today.  I napped through a lot of it, and most importantly, I had no allergic reactions to the carbo or taxol...just like the first time.  I was exhausted in the most profound way by the time I got home and had no choice but to take a nap.  However, now the steroids have kicked in, and I’ll probably be awake to the wee hours.

I’m rather foggy-headed, so I’m having trouble coming up with anything especially meaningful to say, except that I’m very sad I had to miss my boys’ last high school band concert tonight.  Even under the best of circumstances, chemo sucks.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Beth,
    So sad that you missed the band concert but you will perhaps see some of it on video and I bet you'd never missed one before! Great to hear that the chemo went well with no allergic reactions. Sleeping a lot must be the best thing to do to let your body rest and repair.
    Take care, warmest wishes and prayers for you.
    luv Angela xxx
