Saturday, March 23, 2013

Decisions, decisions, decisions

Still a little shocked and giddy from my good news, we've managed to navigate our way through some of the decisions we're facing.

We've decided to cancel our trip to MD Anderson. After the outstanding results from my PET scan, we're feeling less of a need for a second opinion. I've asked MDA to keep my file in case we decide to go there again.

Wednesday, I had both my pulmonary function tests and head MRI. The thoracic surgeon will take these results, along with my other medical records, and present my case to the hospital's tumor review board for input and recommendations for surgery and future treatment. This will occur on April 2nd. The surgeon will contact me afterwards about scheduling surgery, assuming all goes well with my evaluation. He acted like it was mostly pro forma.

I've decided to request the open thoracotomy procedure so the surgeon can actually get his hands on my lung where the remaining nodule resides. Doing so will allow him to thoroughly evaluate my lung for any other abnormalities and remove them. The downside?  A potentially long, uncomfortable recovery. But, I've decided the benefit is worth the cost. They just better give me some most excellent drugs. 

I'm encouraged and feeling very hopeful, but I also feel like I have miles to go before I sleep. 


  1. I am so happy for your good news Beth!! I have been remembering you in my prayers daily... God is so good!! I will continue to pray -

    Melissa George Sipes

  2. Dear Beth,

    The news is so encouraging, I'm soooo happy for you, you must be on a high now ;) I pray that things will continue to go well for you. Making decisions about treatment can't be easy, best of luck for April 2nd.
    Lots of love Angela
