Monday, March 25, 2013

My bald badge of honor

It's an amazing sensation to be able to feel your scalp unencumbered by hair. Well, mostly. Not quite all of my hair fell out during chemo, but there was lots of open space that felt so incredibly smooth and soft. I couldn't keep my hands off my new head. All my eyelashes are gone now but a shadow of my eyebrows remain, just enough to help me draw them in easily.

Several days ago I was mindlessly rubbing the back of my head, and I suddenly realized I was feeling new fuzz. It's been five weeks tomorrow since my last session of chemo, so it's time to start to feel a little extra fuzz. I have to admit, I'm feeling a little wistful. It's been a rather carefree way to live, this baldness of mine. No shampoos and conditioners and styling gel and styling mousse and hair dryers and round brushes. No time spent wondering, will I wear it curly or straight today? Up or down?

So, to commemorate the beginning of the end of my alopecia (for now), I celebrate with a photo of me in my (mostly) hairless, makeup-less, steroid jowly and puffy glory. 


  1. I love this picture of you! It captures your spirit.

  2. This is a beautiful picture Beth, I love it! It shows your strength and courage and sense of humour, as the previous comment said, it captures your spirit!!! Not many would show a picture of themselves with a bald head, you are so courageous and still beautiful when bald!

    Did you know it is possible that your hair may grow back a different colour?

    Lots of love, take care
