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Friday, November 23, 2012

Briefly, I had a mohawk

A weight has been lifted from my shoulders, literally. My 19 year-old niece Bailey shaved my head this morning. I can't believe how great it feels!  So liberating. Actually, it's more of a crew cut than a shave, and I have to admit, I kinda like the look.

The new me

Here I am with Bailey.
My niece and head shaver extraordinaire

And here I am with with my wig.

The other new me
 Sometimes, the most unexpected, loveliest moments come your way and you don't realize how special they are until they pass. This morning as I'm about to leave my mother's house so I could meet my niece at 9:00 for my head shaving, I noticed Paul putting on his shoes. "You coming with me?" I asked. "Yep. Showing my support," he answered.

We arrive at my brother's house, where my English friend Debbie is also staying. They'd prepared a chair for me in the kitchen. I thought we'd do it outside so we wouldn't have to worry where the hair went. "Oh no," says my sister-in-law Sha, "it's too cold out there." Sha has a beautiful home about which she is rightfully particular.  To have my hair scattered all over her kitchen is a great privilege.

As I looked around the room, Paul, my brother Kenneth, Sha and Debbie surrounded me as Bailey began the first cuts. They were even taking video and pictures, documenting this particular moment in my journey, as chunks of my hair began hitting the floor. "Give her a Mohawk first," Paul joked. Bailey complied, briefly.

When completed, Sha exclaims, "Wow, you've got a nice round head.  I always thought that was just all your hair."  She hands me a mirror for my first look.  Amazing, I think. I like it.

Only later today, did it dawn on me that in my life I will never again have so momentous a haircut, in a room full of such encouragement and love. In my near baldness, I am transformed...uplifted...free!


  1. I am so thankful to have shared that moment with you!

  2. I think that it is very liberating when a person reaches a point in their lives where they realize that they are more than their hair. We all have our vanities that we try to hold on to but there comes a time when it is ok lo let go of them. My lovely bride made a significant investment through the years to keep from going grey. I finally convinced her that it was ok to be grey and I feel she has never been more beautiful than now. Likewise although it may not feel the same You have never been more beautiful.

  3. You really do look beautiful Beth! That shaved look really becomes you. I'm surprised, i didn't expect it to look so good!
    Take care, xxx

  4. Beth thanks so much for sharing this part of your life with us. You make us better people. And, of course I don't mind hair in the kitchen--Taco puts it there daily.

  5. Love it, Beth! And I can't believe that is your niece, Bailey!! Shouldn't she still be about 10? :) What a wonderful moment you just created and shared with all of us! I am thankful to call you friend! :)

    Happy Thanksgiving!


  6. Do you remember Natalie Portman in V for Vendetta with the shaved head? Pretty badass. It looks great!
