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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The latest fashion

I promise, this is the last picture I'll post of myself for a while, but as I'm becoming aquainted with the fashion practicalities of chemo, I realized there was another venue to check out: the surgical face mask.

My latest fashion accessory
Tomorrow, I'll be at the half-way mark in my current treatment cycle. This means my immune system is at its most fragile point, so my outing for the day is to have my blood drawn in a laboratory...in a hospital...where there are lots of sick people.  Catch the irony?
My blood analysis will tell my doctors if my immune system is holding up under the pressures of chemo. They'll check my white blood cells, platelets, and hemoglobin.  If any of these are too low, I'll be given some sort of treatment to help my system recover so that I'll be healthy enough at the end of this cycle to begin another one.  It's a delicate balancing act, this business of poisoning your body and then recovering before you poison it again.
In the morning, my sassy new hairdo, my surgical mask, and I will set off to face the germy world.
I hear that you can find really cute masks on Amazon.  After I post this, I'm going to have a look.


  1. Beth, I received your card and spent most of the night processing it. I am still in shock. Just read your whole blog and can only say that between the horror I feel that this is happening to you (and your family), I enjoyed getting a dose of Beth humor and tenacity. Still love reading your take on the world despite its treacherous twists of late. I hate that you are now so intimately acquainted with the ins and outs of cancer treatment. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy,much less a dear old friend like you. I am feeling the need to see you and hug you and just hold you. Don't know when and how, but until I can, you will be thought about (ok, obssessed about), prayed for and sent bookoos of love and good thoughts.
    Get better my dear friend.
    Love you, Lisa G-

  2. PS, You look really cute with short hair! Oh, and when you do lose your hair, I say ditch the wig and sport a baseball hat. Much more comfortable!

    1. Would love to see you. Will call you soon. Wig is for 'formal' occasions only.

    2. And an early Happy Birthday to Will.

  3. Best of luck with all that Beth, hope results will be good.

