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Friday, March 28, 2014

Women of a certain age

Lately, it seems I've been inundated with self-help articles about things a woman my age should no longer do.  Well, since I'm certainly too young to have uterine cancer, I've decided I've earned some extension on these supposed no-no's for women of a certain age.  For example:

Marie Claire magazine tells me women over 40 should not wear dark lipstick.  I'm wearing bright red today.

I just bought a pair of white Converse tennis shoes...for the first time since middle school.

With the right top, it's still okay for me to wear leggings.

I kinda like Bruno Mars.

As soon as I am able, I'm growing my hair long again.

But, I still don't do bows or graphic t-shirts, and no amount of bucking convention will ever change that.