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Monday, July 21, 2014

It's getting to be that time again

Another six months have nearly passed.  Almost time for my next PET scan.  I'm scheduled for July 29th, but my oncologist will be on vacation so who knows when I'll get the results.  Breathe deeply, Beth.

I'm getting better at just taking each day as it comes, but my first thoughts every morning when I wake up still drift toward my cancer.

But, there's life to be lived.  There are my boys to be cared for.  Vacations to be planned.  Birthdays to be celebrated (including my 50th! later this year).  Sometimes, I have to dig deep to put those omnipresent thoughts of doom into the background and find the good stuff about life to focus on.  It's always worth the effort.

I'll be in touch when there's news to share.