If this is your first visit to my blog, you might want to start with my first entry, "How I got here - the short version".

Thursday, April 23, 2015

I'm still here!

Yes, I've been a delinquent blogger, but perhaps I can redeem myself by sharing some happy news.

My PET scan from yesterday was clear!  That's two years now of clear scans.  Whew!

Gotta go.  Time to plan a family vacation...and celebrate a little.


  1. Wonderful news! Hope is a great family vacation!

  2. That is soooo wonderful! You deserve a great vacation! xoxo

  3. HURRAY HURRAY HURRAY!!! No news was always the BEST news. Rejoicing and get yourself over to Alsace for a holiday real soon!!! Lots of love xxxx

  4. I just found your blog Beth, and I must say you are a wonderful person for sharing your journey with us. I especially love this last post of yours! So happy to hear that your Health is doing great!!! I came upon your blog as I was searching for answers and stories of endometrial cancer. I am waiting for my biopsy to come back after I had ultrasound and they found quite thick endometrial lining. Doc told me it was either hyperplasia or cancer. It is great to hear stories like yours where cancer is getting it's ass kicked!

    1. How kind of you, Theresa, to share YOUR experience with me. Please keep me posted on your progress. I hope your results are good, and even if you need further intervention, I hope for you the very best care and outcome. Keep the faith.
