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Monday, March 4, 2013

The chemo wardrobe

Recently taking stock of my closet, I realized my clothing now falls into three categories: date night, nice casual, and chemo.

Before my diagnosis, my wardrobe was made up of pretty much just the first two categories, though I did have one pair of yoga pants, one pair of shorts, and a few oversized t-shirts for exercising. Now, all I wear is an assortment of yoga casual, which says I'd really rather be in my pajamas but I'm going to make myself presentable enough to meet the UPS guy at the door.

I'll even go to the grocery store in my yoga duds, drop the boys off at school, or go through the Starbucks drive-thru. (Oh yeah, I also do yoga in them.)

But, the main reason I expanded my yoga apparel was chemo days. Truly, you'd prefer to be lounging in your jammies for such an occasion, mostly so you don't have to change your clothes when you get home before you fall in bed. But, then there's that presentable enough for the UPS guy issue.

However, during one of my sessions, there was this well-heeled woman getting her chemo the same time as me. She looked liked she just stepped out of Ann Taylor, complete with a full face of make up and wig.

I looked like I'd just stepped out of pilates class, wig-less and cap-less, with nothing on my face but Carmex lip balm. Chemo attire.

And we all know that these days it's much cooler to underdress than overdress.

I'm just glad the occasional girlfriend comes by to take me out to lunch, or I'd probably never wear pants with a zipper again.

P.S.  A reminder for my British friends. In American parlance, pants are trousers, not underpants. Though I must admit, the idea of zippered underpants is, at the very least, worth a giggle.

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