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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Upcoming events

I have my next PET scan Thursday, two days from now. When I find out the results depends on how assertive I decide to be with my oncologist's office, because, Lord knows, nobody there is just going to spontaneously pick up the phone and call me.

Monday, March 18th will be an action-packed day. At 9:30 in the morning I have my appointment with a thoracic surgeon to review my PET scans and determine if I'm a surgical candidate for any remaining nodules in my lungs. Then at noon, I see my oncologist to talk about what's next.

The week of March 25th, Paul and I head to MD Anderson for my second opinion. Currently, I'm scheduled to see one of the gynecological oncologists on Monday morning. The patient liaison has advised us to plan to be there the whole week in case I need additional appointments or tests. They seem quite thorough.

In the meantime, I'm trying to get caught up on emails. I owe more than several of you a word or two. I'm just now feeling like my head is coming out of the fog of the last chemo. I beg everyone's pardon.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Beth,

    Sounds like a busy, grueling couple of weeks ahead. I hope that during that time you and Paul will find time to relax. My thoughts and prayers are with you. <3

    Take care

    Much love Angela
