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Friday, January 24, 2014

Clear PET scan!

Just a quick note to let everyone know that my latest PET scan is all clear!

I'll have another follow up with my oncologist in three months, and the next PET will likely be in another six months.

Life is good.


  1. HOORAY! !!!!!!!! MARVELLOUS NEWS BETH! Have a great weekend, luv Angela xxx

  2. HOORAY! !!!!!!!! MARVELLOUS NEWS BETH! Have a great weekend, luv Angela xxx

  3. HIP HIP HOORAY!!!! Oh Beth I'm SO pleased to hear this news!!! WELL DONE to you and your body!!!! YES!!!! BLOODY DELIGHTED for you and for all the family xxxx

  4. Prayers were answered. so happy for you! P

  5. Wonderful news, Beth!
    Sarah D.
