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Monday, December 3, 2012

Does this skull cap make me and my friend look old?

So, Debbie and I went to the local Walgreen's today to pick up a few sundries, and at the check out line, the octogenarian behind the register happily informed us that if we were willing to show ID, we could receive the Monday senior citizen discount.

"Excuse me?" I said, bewildered.

"You only have to be 55," he explains, "they tell me to ask that question...maybe I shouldn't..."  He's stammering now.

"I should think not," reprimands Debbie, in her sternest British accent.

Maybe I should have gone for the blond wig after all.


  1. LOL, been there, done that when I walk in with a cane, or my AFOs visible. It's gotten to the point where I tip people who card me for drinks now. :-)

  2. haha-Beth, just the other day I was referred to as my 36 year old friends "mom" for the second time at The Avenue. I may never go there again...
    Love ya,

  3. Once as I walked out of Kroger with my bags and the receipt, I realized the young man checking me out gave me the senior citizen discount. I wasn't sure if I should be offended and go back to protest or if I would embarrass him for trying to be considerate. I hadn't bought much, so I kept the 5% and shrugged it off.
    I am actually surprised it hasn't happened more often with my white hair!
    Hope the boys enjoyed their birthday!

  4. I was 21 when I started to use a stick/crutch and I'll never forget a child saying to his mother 'Why is that lady walking like an old woman?'

    I could only laugh but cringed inside with embarrassment as even my peers think I'm joking using a stick and some people always want a go lol!! Xxx
