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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Can you please connect me to the complaints department?

All day yesterday and this morning, I've been thinking about what I would write for this post, and profound words escape me. That's because all I can think about is my itchy shedding head. My wig itches, my hat itches, even uncovered, my head just plain itches!  I can't wait to become totally bald.

However, I remind myself that loosing my hair is evidence that the chemo is doing what it is supposed to do, attacking and destroying fast growing cells. Dying hair cells are merely collateral damage from the real battle within, zapping the DNA of those fast growing cancer cells.

But right now, I just feel like complaining.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Beth,
    Sorry to hear that losing hair is so unconfortable. Adding disconfort to a distressing event is not nice. I hope things will settle soon so you don't have to think you're wearing a wig or a hat as you go about your daily activities.
    Wishing you strength and yes! that the chemio is working fully and that we'll see each other in Atlanta in 2013.

    Much love
    Laurie & Steph
