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Friday, November 30, 2012

Greetings from la la land

Oh, cyclobenzaprine, what magical properties you have.
Even the littlest spasms of muscle be gone!
And sleep I in deepest slumber, all the day and night long.

If I'm attempting poetry, I must be high on something. :-) But, truly, this stuff is great for what ails me. Problem is, I just can't keep my eyes open.

Paul reminds me that today is typically the worst day in the chemo cycle for nausea, so if I've made it through today nausea-free, then I've skirted that particular side effect again. Whew! I'll take it.

More later, when I'm in a less altered state.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Beth,

    I like your poetry!

    Glad you got through that chemo cycle nausea free, have a good weekend.

    Love Angela
