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Sunday, November 11, 2012

The wearing of the bracelet

This morning I woke up and took off the teal plastic solidarity bracelet I'd been wearing since I got it at my chemo session orientation last Tuesday morning. I half-heartedly listened to my active imagery CD. I choked down the handful of vitamins and other supplements I bought yesterday at the health food store. Today, I'm sick of thinking about having cancer.

Don't get me wrong. I'm no less resolved about my fight. Today, I just don't want to have to fight. I just want to feel like a normal person on a normal Sunday.

So, I took a walk, saw Paul off for his week-long trip to Europe, and...went back to bed. I had a gloriously decadent dreamless sleep, and when I woke up, I put my teal bracelet back on, got dressed, and took the boys and myself out for an early dinner.

Life goes on.


  1. Dear Beth,

    That sounded like quite a nice Sunday. It's good to be able to forget cancer for the day, I'm so glad to think that you managed to enjoy a 'normal' day with your family.I wish you many more of those good days!
    I'm in Brussels with my son, his partner and my gorgeous (2 year old) baby grandaughter Sophie, she will wake from her nap soon, shs is coughing her way through it unfortunately, poor little thing. I'm going back home tomorrow.

    Thinking of you Beth, praying for you to be strong in your fight, take care,

    love Angela

  2. I think you deserve a day to not think about cancer. Maybe more than one.

  3. Dear Beth

    Sounds like a wonderful thing to do, take a break from it for one day and start again stronger for it.
    Steph and I think of you very often. I am amazed by all the solidarity chain around you, must show what good impression you've made on people over the years. Keep strong

    Laurie xxx

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